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Monday, December 26, 2011

World largest Mangrove forest sundarban

Sundarban is world largest mangrove forest which situated in South Asia. Most of the area of sundarban in under Bangladesh and little bit area of is in India. Total area of Bangladesh is 10,000 sq.km and 6,000 sq.km situated in Bangladesh. After subscribed it's as UNESCO world heritage site. in 1997. Lets we see a very funny video of Sundarban

The name of Sundarban comes from the tree name of Sundoria. Lots of necessary trees are found in these area and these are sundori, gaua, goran, kawra, gol pata, hogala and so. Few days ago, arranged world new 7 wonders, though sundarban is placed within 1st 7 but it's really fight for in world new 7 wonders. Lots of people of the world visit sundarban a most popular world heritage site of the world. After counting vote, Sundarban was in Number 13. It's really a prestige for Bangladesh and India. Sundarban area is densely populated and day by day population of this area is increased.   Sundarban is a world largest  mangrove forest which is really a standard world heritage place.  Lots of wild animal and birds have here and all of these Royal Bengal Tiger of unique wild of the world.  Lets see some photos of Sundarban. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Global Climate, The Unimaginable Impact

Climate change and its devastating impact global warming has its share of skeptics who think that is an exaggerated, over-hyped phenomenon. But climate expert are already unanimous about the gravity of the consequences of global warming.

Much has been said about the culprits of the human made (or is it?) phenomenon; extensive research programmes have been going around for years to predict the impact of climate change, treaties have been signed, conventions have been enforced, voluntary and compulsory mitigation commitments have been made; but the ugly truth is, even if the emission of Green House Gases (GHGs) is reduced to zero percent, climate change is inevitable.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Global warming: Small initiatives that can save our future

Global warming is a massive threat to our future. If we don’t be aware about global warming, we will not be able to save our future generation. Some small steps can reduce the global warming threat and can save our beautiful earth. It is a good side that we people gradually understand the threat and the importance of taking initiatives and stopping the threat global warming. We are realizing that we will face serious shortage in a near future, if we continue using the earth’s valuable resources.

We already overused forest and trees and wasted this natural resource for nothing. We all know that trees produce oxygen and without oxygen we can’t live. So we can stop deforestation cutting down trees and forest. We can reduce the use of papers to stop cutting trees as we know papers are made from recycling trees. If we can reduce use of papers we can take a role to save a small forest.

Stop misuse of Water:
The most important thing we have to save is water because we already used most of the drinkable water. In the past we have been wasting this resource very badly. Now people around the world are dying because of lack of drinkable water. If we become more aware we can stop polluting water. We can only wash the dishes or do the laundry when there is a full load to be done. We should not let the tap water run while we are brushing or bathing.

Beware of using electricity:
Another valuable resource we are continuously wasting is electricity. Western countries are wasting electricity for nothing, but developing countries are facing the massive power crisis. Only a small step can stop this misuse. We can impose a limit of using electricity to prevent misuse of electricity. We can close all lights that are not being used; we should not put our air conditioners and heating systems on if windows are opened.

Stop Air Pollution:

As well as we are not aware about taking fresh air because we are polluting air dawn to dusk. We are over using car which emitting diesel and oil to environment and polluting air with toxic air. It affected the ozone layers and accelerating global warming. So we can take some small step to stop air pollution by using the car for any small trip to the corner store. In taking such action as walking to get to near places, a person will also gain physical benefits and enjoy a better health condition.

So, without any doubt, if we swear to take such kind of small initiative every day, it will not much difficult to stop global warming and the increasing rate of climate change.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Global warming: Continuous Deforestation and The environment

Today one of the biggest problems of the world is the threat of losing all forest because of massive deforestation. It can be marked as the large scale removal of forest land. Deforestation is occurring because forests are converting to non-forest areas, urbanization, agriculture, accommodation and many others. And this destruction is going to be permanent and this lose can’t be resolve.

Gradually the forests are being the most endangered element in the earth. Every day we are losing about 80,000 acres forest areas. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations show that the rates of deforestation has not abated and has actually increased by 8.5% from 2000-2005 compared during the 1990s. As well they estimated that about 10.4 million hectares of tropical forest have been permanently destroyed from 2000-2005 compared to 10.14 million hectares in the period of 1990-2000.
Very soon this destruction of forest land will turn to the extinction of many species and denuded upland, greenhouse effect, heavy soil erosion, silting of rivers and dams, landslides, flooding, and even destruction of corals along the coast. The destruction of forest may turn to the great loss of biodiversity and extinction of thousands of species.

Deforestation increases the amount of green house gas like carbon-dioxide gas in the air. And this green house gas will allure global warming to come out as monster to destroy the human race.

Trees suck up rain water so quickly during heavy rains. But if there are no trees or forest land, what gotta be happened?

Many others disaster like heavy soil erosion, silting of Rivers and Dams, Degraded Watershed, Denuded Upland and so on will take place due to deforestation.

We are human being always dependents on trees. Trees are our habitats, environment, source of food and the great and most reliable protection from enemies. As well as the forest providing us with many products and important services. Forests give us fresh air; protect us from typhoons, and many other calamities. But we are still killing our friend; we are not being able to control deforestation.

So we need to feel the importance of reforestation and the bad consequences of deforestation.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Global warming: Importance of Eco Friendly Power Houses to Prevent Global Warming.

Our beautiful world is now approaching to a disaster named global warming. Global warming threatening our extinction by increasing the rate of temperature. It is happening because; the green house gases like carbon-dioxide are increasing in the environment. Who is responsible for increasing carbon-dioxide?  This is natural and man made.

We all know that we can not stand against natural threat from environment. So we have to concentrate to solve the man made reason behind increasing carbon-dioxide. First we need to know how we are jeopardizing our future. We are cutting down trees and its increasing the rate of carbon-dioxide as we know trees provide Oxygen and take Carbon-dioxide, we are burning fuel which continuously creating carbon-oxide, we are using coal and oil based power houses which are increasing the rate of carbon-dioxide emission, and many others way we are continuously omitting carbon-dioxide known as greenhouse gas.

Among all this man made reason behind global warming the most serious one is coal and oil based power houses. Such kinds of power houses create a large amount of carbon-dioxide gas. And they maximum are released in air. It is causing a serious pollution of environment. So why we should keep continue using such kind of elements that jeopardize our extinction?

We have to think about eco and environment friendly power houses. We can use the energy of sun known as solar energy. Solar energy is unlimited and it is recyclable. As well it is eco friendly. It doesn’t create green house gas like carbon-dioxide or CFC. So solar energy could be one of the eco friendly power sources for a sustainable and green beautiful earth.

Another solution should be the wind. We can use wind to produce electricity and it is hundred percent eco friendly. Coastal Countries can produce wind base electricity.

Hydroelectric power plant is also a solution to the problem of global warming.

So we need to take decision and have to make a policy to prevent global warming to protect our future

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Global Warming: Green economy to stop climate change and global warming.

Climate change is happening very frequently. Environment not being able to carry this frequent change. So we are facing a lot of natural forces like, global warming, cyclone, dot, acid rain, excessive rain, and so on. Among them global warming is the main threat to our existence. Why climate are changing?

             Climate is controlled by some elements like altitude, Hills and Mountains, Rain fall, Forests and others. It’s clear that all those elements are changing as we are destroying hills and mountains, forest. So the climate is changing too. But this change gradually brining a great disaster for our future by accelerating global warming.

              What can stop this monster like global warming and climate change? Climate change and global warming are natural forces so it’s difficult to stop them. But if we want, we can reduce that upcoming threat by taking some necessary steps. We need to take a clear work plan to reduce the emission of carbon-dioxide the main culprit for climate change and the upcoming disaster.

                We can set up environment and eco friendly power plants like wind and solar power industries. That makes two solutions for our betterment. First one is it will create a lot of job opportunities and it will reduce the carbon emissions too. According to The UN Environment Program “nearly two million people are employed in the new wind and solar power industries, half of them in China alone. Brazil's biofuels program has been creating nearly a million jobs annually. In Germany, investments in environmental technology are expected to quadruple over the coming years, reaching 16 percent of manufacturing output by 2030 and employing more workers than the automobile industry.”

               So this green economy idea can stop the adverse situation of our future. Here financing will be key. But if the both developed and developing nations don’t do there part to finance all the investment to the lack of the financial resources and technologies to go green, we can not effectively fight against monster like climate change and global warming.

                For this, leaders need to make a right policies and incentives to fight against climate change and global warming. And to ensure green economy for our betterment, we need to do that ASAP.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Global warming: contemplating the global warming statistics.

Last 40-50 year the global warming has increased in an alarming rate. We are continuously thinking about how to stop global warming. There are some data which clearly indicate the warming is occurring.

Rise of sea level:

Sea level is rising very fast. From 1875-1995, the average of sea level rise is 1.77 mm. but the main thing is the rate of sea level rise has frequently increased from 1993. Now it’s doubled. The earth is being warmer and all the puller ice caps are melting from glaciers. So, if this continues very soon low lying land like Maldives, Bangladesh will be going under water. 

Temperature of global surface: 

The global surface temperatures are gradually increasing. Since 1950 till now global surface temperature has increased .6degrees Celsius. 

Omission of carbon-dioxide: 

We are polluting our planet by omitting carbon-dioxide. The level of carbon-oxide in environment getting higher day by day. We are destroying forests and using objects that omission carbon-dioxide. So, mainly carbon-dioxide is responsible for increasing global warming. 

We all know that carbon-dioxide produces from nature and man made. So if the rate of carbon-dioxide increases it get back to the nature and make warmer the earth. By this all the ice caps froze in the arctic region will melt and it’s a strong threat for our existence. 

Friday, November 04, 2011

Climate change: The number one risk carrying country Bangladesh.

Bangladesh may suffer from most climate change effect. It is known to every climatologist. Bangladesh can be easily harmed by climate change because this highly danger country located in the Bay of Bengal and in the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna. Bangladesh is highly populated too.

Bangladesh economy depends on agriculture and in the natural resources which are highly risked by climate change and sea level rise.

Climate change effect in Bangladesh

At first the research found out all the main problems related to the climate change which are reduced fresh water availability, sea level rise, surface drainage congestion, coastal storms, and increased floods and how they affect the country.

Bangladesh is a developing country and its development is now threatening by climate change. So the government should have to make some strategic plan to increase the knowledge base focus on climate change.

Read more article on global warming and climate change .

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Importance of English as global language.

The most important language in this world is what? No doubt it's English language. It's because English language is amazing and it's beautiful. A huge amount of people use English and many countries that teach the English language as the global language of communication in primary school.

Total of 2 billions people speak English around the world. 400 millions use it as primary language. So it must keep the right to be a global language. Following is the importance of English as global language:

  1. English is considered something known the lingua franca, the world’s 1st. Its mean most of the people around the world using English as there mother language or a second language. So people should learn English to communicate between people from different countries. English language is also dominating in various fields like global politics, global business, diplomacy, entertainment, radio and so on. 
  2. English language is now a compulsory for non native speakers of English because most of the information in the computer and web are in the English. Most of the international organization use English language to communicate between them.
  3. Multinational companies use English to communicate between offices situated in different country. Even they ask for job opportunity in English and want a good working knowledge of English.
  4. English is something of a beautiful language, and people around the world have been studying it for a number of years for them to learn it as best as they possibly can. In learning English, there can be many things that can be achieved than if not.
  5. The business world has need for the global language of English as well. Many companies are expanding overseas. American companies are setting up shop in other countries, and there are companies that wish to transfer over to America.

So the importance of English as global language can’t be ignored.

Also I found this book very helpful to learn English language

Friday, September 02, 2011

Acid Rain effects on Eco-System

A very bad effect is appeared in the Eco-system because of acid rain. Most of the time Eco- systems turn to one way. Some bad effects are highlighting below:

  1. Fish and water Eco-system are affected by Acidic River, Canals, and ponds. So, it’s reducing hatching and the genetic power of fish.
  2. Acid Rain reduces the pH of water. It’s causing the abstraction of food chain and destructing the water system. Acid Rain creating a big problem for water system by making a lot of organic stuff in water.
  3. Density tolerable limits of heavy metals are crossed due to acid rain.
  4. Mostly soils become damage, due to acid rain. If the pH rates of soil decrease, the growth rates of soil also decrease. A lot of necessary micro bacteria and components get dead due to acid rain. So the productive lands become unproductive.
  5. Water forests are damage due to acid rain. Water forest are decreasing very fast, it's only because of acid rain. Due to acid rain tree leafs and synthesizes are obstructing.
  6. Due to acid rain man’s skin appear to be changed. Acid rain also create problem with environment.
 Read more articles on Acid Rain and pH of Acid Rain

Thursday, September 01, 2011

What is Acid Rain?

Acid Rain is a highlighting cause behind endangered Global warming. When the rate of pH in rain water is 1.8-5.5 then its call Acid Rain. The normal rate of pH in rain water is 5.6-6.2; if the rate of acid in the Precipitations like rain, dew and fogs are much so it's call acid rain.

Rain water is also some kind of acid. That contain a little of amount of carbon-dioxide, after mixing with water it make very weak acid like Carbonic Acid.

 With the dissociation of carbonic acid produce H+ and its make rain water slice acid.
If the rate of Precipitations is less then 5.0 pH, its call Acid Rain.

Acid Rain is not something new; it was first appeared at 1800Ac in UK. Till 1960 there was no occurrence of acid rain.  But after 1960 many places in the world facing this natural calamity. Now it's occurring frequently in many countries and destructing the balance environment.

 Read more exclusive articles on Causes behind Acid Rain and global warming

Causes behind the Acid Rain

Nature and man made things is responsible for acid in rain water. Acid in rain water produce because of the present of Sulfuric and Nitric Acid. Both of that secondary air polluter produces from primary air polluter sulfur-dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide.

Sulfur-dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide thrown from the source, spread way to a vast area. Sulfur-dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide produce Sulfuric; Nitrous and Nitric acid with the touch of vapor. Acid Rain is the mixer of those gases. Sulfur-dioxide, Sulfur-Trioxide and NO2 produce acid with the react of vapor and its call acid rain.

Relevantly Sulfur-dioxide produces from the burning of patrol, metal and sulfur extraction from mineral. On the other hand the source of Nitrogen Oxide is old vehicles, power plant, metal extraction centers and so on.

Naturally acid rain spread thousands of kilometers away. The main reason behind the Global warming is CFC and green house gas and the destruction of ozone layer is known as global air pollution. When air is polluted by acid rain it's know as regional air pollution. Some other example of regional air pollution is polluting by burning, burning of woods, flying ashes, smoke and nuclear precipitation. 

Read more exclusive articles on global warming and What is Acid Rain?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Natural Controls over Global warming

Many environmentalists believe that Global warming will be obstructed by some natural controls. Increasing of temperature also increase the rate of vaporization that it’s helps to cloud and its increase the rate of rain too. So the most of land are included in the rain fall and its make lands more fertile that we can produce more crops.

Clouds help to decrease the rate of solar ray before touching the surface of the earth. Clouds take a part to make our earth surface cool and this way clouds help to reduce Global warming.

Sea and Ocean grasp an amount of Carbon-dioxide. Ocean animals also play a role to control Carbon-dioxide.

Photosynthesis is playing a big role to controlling Carbon-dioxide in the air by producing protein.

Volcano is also an element that control Climate. Volcanoes throw huge amount of small particles which helps, solar rays to return back to space. So this way volcano helps to make earth cool.

As much heat the whole atmosphere can absorb, Oceans has the ability to absorb heat 40 times than the atmosphere. Besides it, sea and granite can grasp a huge amount of Carbon-dioxide.

So we need not to worry much. Nature will also help us to prevent Global warmingand climate change. Just we need to cooperate with nature to end global warming and to reduce green house gas emission. It's not much hard to do that I means to cooperate with nature because just you need to plant more trees, stop polluting environment; save woods; need save wild life and so on.

So my valuable and respective readers feel the opportunity and start cooperating with nature.

Thank you
 Read more exclusive articles on why I love nature?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Mitigation of negative effects of green house gases in the present world

Excessive use and dependent on carbon related things has increased the amount of green house gases omission in the air. Now it's badly changed climate and Global warming has increased at an alarming rate. As well, global economics and environment are facing a bad effect of green house gas. Environmentalists alarmed that sea level are rising and low land areas around the world may sink by salted water.

Now a day’s climate change is a burning issue among the Individuals, Society; States and In the International community.

The steps are given bellow to protect our beautiful world against the bad effects of green house gas:

  1. In the 2008, the slogan of environment day was, “Kick the habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy.”  The slogan was fixed following some circumstances. One of them is guessing the massive climate change disasters and increasing Global warming. So, all the Individuals, Society and States should emphasize on environment friendly economic development plan.
  2.  It's possible to reduce CO2 in the air by controlling the uses of patrol, oil; burning wood and others carbon energy.  We have to avoid all the energy that produces CO2.
  3.   Use of Recyclable and less use energy. Emphasize on recyclable energy like Solar, Water and Air energy.
  4. “ Give back my Forest,
         Take your town.” ~ RobindraNath Tagore
Stop reducing forest and boost up the tree plantation programs. Protect forest area and plant more tree to create more forest area.
  1.  Reduce the uses and production of Freon gas; innovating the alternatives to CFC.
  2.  We have to increase the power of those engines, mostly used in the cars and factories.
  3.  Taking proper initiative to filter and control the omission of engines smoke.
  4. Have to create Green Protection around the coastal area.
  5. Reducing the uses of chemical in farm land.
  6. Stopping the use of fault engines, that they can’t omission green house gas like CO, CO2, CO4.

Overall, if we can implement all this action against greenhouse gas omission, we can bring good news for the future generation. So, my respective readers please take part to stop green house gas omission ASAP. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Global Warming: Possible consequences of green house effects

Greenhouse gases are increasing day by day and its must effects is, the earth will be hotter day by day. Due to greenhouse effects , global temperature are increasing and its creating bad effects on global environment.

There are some bad effects of increasing global temperature:

1.      Due to increase of global temperature sea level will raise. So, all the low land situated near coast will sink into water. Especially productive paddy land near Asian coast will decrease. So, the fertile land will decrease because of salted land. And the production of food will decrease at an alarming rate.
2.      Some new area will sink into water and some others area will face dot, because of increasing global temperature. It will bring a massive change in climate. And it will create bad effect on lifeblood of ecosystem.
3.      Due to global warming there will not only human but also all the species will face threat of existence. Many species will be extinguished forever. According to the researcher Dennis Murphy of Stanford University, if the average temperature rises to 3 degree Celsius 44% Mammals, 23% Species and some birds will be distinguished.
4.       If the average of temperature raises 3 to 5 degree Celsius polar ice caps freeze in the North and south zone will start melting and it will raise sea level. So there is a possibility of sink cities and civilization into water. Already sea level has increased to 15 cm in the twenty thousands millennium. We can guess that within 2030 sea level will increase to 30-40 cm.
5.      As per the sea level rise, natural calamity like storm, tides, typhoon will occur frequently. Such kind of natural disaster has already seen on various places. According to the experts, coastal regions like Netherlands, Bangladesh, Maldives and many others existence will be threaten so far.
6.      If the sea water gets warm, Eco-system of the sea will destroyed and many species under water will be distinguished.

 So, we have to mitigate the omission of greenhouse gas omission at any cost. So, what do you think my valuable readers, isn’t it your opportunity to take an initiative tomitigate green house gases?

Why love nature: Find the answer there

I love nature. If anyone asks me “where you fell comfortable to live?” No doubt my answer will be Village. If you want to fell the real test of nature, you have to visit villages. Village is a place where you can live a pure, sound and healthy life. There you will find zero environment pollution. You will be able get pure oxygen, which you need to alive.

Village will enable you to swim in River, pond and canals. Here you can swim much better then a swimming poll. You will fell the freedom of swimming there.

When I visit villages, I find all the charming natural beauties emerging from the mist and water. When birds chirping, I fell like I am in the haven of music. When I see people playing there traditional games I enjoyed them very much. As well I try to join with them.

When I see a farmer growing food and vegetables in any farmland, I feel something like very charming. When I saw a fisherman fishing in a river or canals, I try to find a nature feeling there.  Even I can fell and can understand the importance of living in the nature when I see kids play around a farm land. I try to understand how they are free from pollution and how they feel the natural environment.

However if you ever live in a natural environment, you will feel all this facts. Ask yourself “why I love nature?” and then reply your self with all those I have mentioned.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Global warming: Understanding the bad effects of global warming

Global warming is threatening our existence. What we are doing to stop global warming, do we are ready to stop global warming or not? If we don’t able to stop global warming the threat will come true and we will destroy ourselves.

In the last few decades global warming has increased alarmingly. But the rate of increasing global warming has reached a new dimension in the last decades. Our scientists are researching the increasing rate of Global warming to find all the specific reason behind the facts.  They are researching what could happen if these rates continue or it increases more.  

Scientists already alarmed the upcoming threats of global warming. They claimed that, if this monster Global warming continues all the polar ice caps in the North Zone will start melting and it will raise the sea level alarmingly. So it will cause frequent flood in the low land like Maldives, Bangladesh and others low land countries.

Polar ice caps from Himalayan are already melting and its occurring frequent flood in the Indian sub-continent. The most suffering country is Bangladesh. There most of the time all the low land area sinking in the water. All the sufferers in this country facing a lot of crisis like food, safe water; health; habitation and overall they are suffering from all the fundamental necessary things. Many other countries also facing such kind of problem Like Bangladesh. Recent example of flood must be Pakistan and India. Due to flood tons of crops and vegetables has washed away. Now those countries are facing a great food, safe water; health and habitation problems.  

In spite of frequent flood problem many countries are facing dot, cyclone and others natural calamity. Why this entire monster natural calamity happening more and more, it’s because of climate change and global warming.

It’s true that we can’t control natural calamity but we can reduce the frequent occurring of natural calamity.  First we have to believe that we can stop global warming. Some small step can reduce the rate of carbon-dioxide gas omission. It’s not much hard to do. We just have to control those things which cause omission of carbon-dioxide, like burning wood, coal, use of oil, gas, polluting air, water, stop cutting down of trees and so on related to omission of carbon-dioxide. We have to start immediate tree plantation programs.

However if we take all those small initiatives, carbon-dioxide omission will not increase and it will not let the greenhouse gas to increase Global warming. So my honorable and respective readers let’s work together to stop global warming and its bad effects

Monday, August 08, 2011

Global warming photos: Declaring the ruinous Truth

Wanna share some Photos Related to Global Warming facts. All those photos are declaring the ruinous Truth of Global Warming. So let's watch them.

This photo was taken from Bangladesh. Cyclone Sidr Make those people Homeless, Foodless and so on.

Cyclone Sidr had destroyed the whole village, situated in side of Bay of Bengal.
Frequent Flood bringing a lot of sufferings.
This is a estimate of total loss of Cyclone Sidr
This old age man is also the victim of Natural calamity and Global warming.
Due to excessive flood people of Bangladesh are now fighting with their livelihood. Its happened due to global warming and rising of  sea level.
Sufferers are returning back to their destination with relief food. But their luck is depending on end of global warming.
Both are crying because they lost everything. They lost their House, They lost their family. It's because of Monster Global warming.
Its a report of local News paper Highlighting the death due to devastating Cyclone.
Water around him. Why its happened. Its because increasing of global warming and rising of Sea level.
 Their house had destroyed by the devastating Cyclone but they never give up the hope.

All this photos are directly declaring the bad effect of global warming. If we don't stop global warming now, in the future we will watch more photos like those. So it's totally depends on us what we want. So stop global warming.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Loving, inspiring and mind blowing natural quotes.

I am sharing Some great Natural Beauty quotes quotes:

Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.
Rabindranath Tagore

Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.
Har Borland

Naturehas given man one tongue, but two ears, that we may hear twice as much as wespeak.

Comeforth into the light of things, Let Nature be your teacher.
 William Wordsworth

If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Percy Bysshe Shelley

To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.
Mahatma Gandhi

Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould myself?
Henry David Thoreau

There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story.
Linda Hogan

The sun, with all those plants revolving around it and dependent upon it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.

Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.
Rachel Carson

There is not a sprig of grass that shoots uninteresting to me.
Thomas Jefferson

Study nature, not books.
Jean Louis Agassiz

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
Rachel Carson

 I hope all of you like those Natural beauty quotes very much.

Some other exclusive Quotes on Natural Beauty

Source: Books, Magazines, Newspaper ETC.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Why I love Nature and Natural Environment?

I love Nature. I love Natural Environment. When I stay in Natural Environment, I feel like I am in the haven. Nature makes my mind fresh. Nature makes my mind pure and great. When I fell tired I always felt the opportunity to visit in a Natural Environment, Because Natural Environment makes my whole body calm and quite. So I love Nature and Natural Environment.

Now a day’s Natural Environment is very rare, everything has filled with artificial things. If we want to live a healthy and sound life then we need Natural Environment. Because Natural Environment provides us pure air and air keep us alive.

To keep our Nature and Natural Environment pollution free, we need to run tree plantation programs. We should have to stop deforestation.

Nature and Natural Environment is very important to end Global Warming and Climate Change

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Inspiring Natural Beauty quotes, you always love.

What is inspiring to me? When anyone asks me, I gotta say it’s nothing but natural beauty quotes. Natural beauty quotes really boost up inspiration, they boost up my youth, and they teach me how to live. As we know Nature is the subject which we love very much. We always try to stay close to Nature.

I gonna share some natural beauty quotes with all of you. Here they are:

  1. "A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." ~ Maya Angelou

  1. I sometimes think ne'er grows so red, the rose,
    Where some buried Caesar bled,
    and every hyacinth the garden rows
    dropt' in her lap from some once lovely head

     3. I think that I will never see, a poem lovely as a tree

    when the rainbow glows, God smiles

    a scene that only man can see

4.  The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity . . . and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.
William Blake

5. Each flower is a soul opening out to nature.
GĂ©rard de Nerval

6. The mountains, the forest, and the sea, render men savage; they develop the fierce, but yet do not destroy the human.
Victor Hugo

7. As long as I live, I'll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I'll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I'll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can.
John Muir

8. Nature is an infinite sphere of which the center is everywhere and the circumference nowhere.

9. Forests, lakes, and rivers, clouds and winds, stars and flowers, stupendous glaciers and crystal snowflakes - every form of animate or inanimate existence leaves its impress upon the soul of man.
Orison Swett Marden (1850-1924) Founder, Success Magazine

10. “I just want the world to give nature the opportunity to survive.”

So my valuable reader, how do you fell by reading all this Natural beauty quotes? Don't you fell the opportunity to stop global warming to live a better life.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Increasing Global Warming: Role of Greenhouse Effect and The Role We are Playing.

What about greenhouse effect, do we aware about greenhouse effect or we don’t? Let’s know what is greenhouse and greenhouse effect?

Greenhouse is a glass made house to grow crops in the cold countries so that cold air can’t harm them. It’s because to keep the atmosphere warm   systems are kept inside the glass circled area.

The rise in atmospheric temperature is known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases like Carbon dioxide around the atmosphere work as Greenhouse. The heat of the sun makes the earth hotter day by day. Carbon dioxide plays the role to make earth hotter.

Our atmosphere is guarded by an ozone layer which resists the entrance of ultra violate rays from the Sun. But greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide destroy this system and let the ultra violate rays to enter in the earth. It makes the earth hotter day by day.

Why carbon dioxide increasing? Who are the responsible for this increasing rate?

Carbon dioxide is increasing because we are cutting down trees. We are using Patrol, Diesel, and Coal etc. Don’t we think we all are responsible for global warming?

What the effect of this increasing rate of carbon dioxide?

In a word the effect is very ruinous for our existence. Due to increasing of global warming we all know that polar ice caps are melting, green places are turning to deserts, dot, cyclone and others natural calamity occurs frequently.

If this continue what will happen with our future? What will happen with our beautifull earth?

We can get escape from this terrible monster, if we all should understand the terrible effects of global warming which is a great threat to mankind of the modern age. Let’s start tree plantation programs around the world. Let’s make our earth greener. Let’s stop emitting of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide.