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Monday, July 04, 2011

Let’s stay close to Nature, Animal and Pollution Free Environment.

First let us know what is Nature?

Nature, in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the natural world, physical world, or material world. "Nature" refers to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. It ranges in scale from the subatomic to the cosmic.

May be the question rise that how to stay close to nature. The answer is here.

The more you travel, the more you come closer to the nature. At the very first time you can visit your city. There might have some places are very beautiful. You can visit these places and can know about these places, can enjoy the beauty of these places. Then you can have a tour for the whole country with some of your friend. By visiting your countries beautiful sites you can stay closer to nature. Then if you wish you can have a tour to worlds most beautiful and wonderful places. It will both increase your knowledge and it will help you to stay closer to nature.

Even you can get to see the places with unsurpassed natural beauty and satisfy your need for visiting new places, know all about global and stay close to nature.

In your city there must have an Eco park. Try visiting there regularly. You will see a lot of Birds, Animal there. Come closer to them, try to understand there language. They are telling you we want to survive, please save us, don’t pollute environment, don’t cut down trees, end the global warming. You can understand there language if you visit these places regularly.

You can convince them you will do everything to save the earth and the survival of the animal and human being. Yes we can do it if we think and believe that it’s all about our duties. You can buy a plant on the way from Eco Park to home.

The very important thing we have to do, keeping our environment pollution free for staying closer to Nature and Animal. Do not pollute the world just try to reduce pollution. We know that pollution is must. As well we know that we can reduce continuous pollution, please stop cruelty to nature and environment. Never ruin the wilderness.

Just try to love them. Try to stay closer to Nature. Every off day try to visit Eco Park. Try to understand The Animals languages.

So what do you think? Can’t we stay close to Nature? Can’t we convince the entire animal species that we will do everything to save all the animals and human being?

Thank you

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