Climate change is happening very frequently. Environment not being able to carry this frequent change. So we are facing a lot of natural forces like, global warming, cyclone, dot, acid rain, excessive rain, and so on. Among them global warming is the main threat to our existence. Why climate are changing?
Climate is controlled by some elements like altitude, Hills and Mountains, Rain fall, Forests and others. It’s clear that all those elements are changing as we are destroying hills and mountains, forest. So the climate is changing too. But this change gradually brining a great disaster for our future by accelerating global warming.
What can stop this monster like global warming and climate change? Climate change and global warming are natural forces so it’s difficult to stop them. But if we want, we can reduce that upcoming threat by taking some necessary steps. We need to take a clear work plan to reduce the emission of carbon-dioxide the main culprit for climate change and the upcoming disaster.
We can set up environment and eco friendly power plants like wind and solar power industries. That makes two solutions for our betterment. First one is it will create a lot of job opportunities and it will reduce the carbon emissions too. According to The UN Environment Program “nearly two million people are employed in the new wind and solar power industries, half of them in China alone. Brazil 's biofuels program has been creating nearly a million jobs annually. In Germany , investments in environmental technology are expected to quadruple over the coming years, reaching 16 percent of manufacturing output by 2030 and employing more workers than the automobile industry.”
So this green economy idea can stop the adverse situation of our future. Here financing will be key. But if the both developed and developing nations don’t do there part to finance all the investment to the lack of the financial resources and technologies to go green, we can not effectively fight against monster like climate change and global warming.
For this, leaders need to make a right policies and incentives to fight against climate change and global warming. And to ensure green economy for our betterment, we need to do that ASAP.
Nice blog. Carry on
Taher Chowdhury Sumon
Thank you Bhaiya.... any suggestion for me..