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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Global warming: Small initiatives that can save our future

Global warming is a massive threat to our future. If we don’t be aware about global warming, we will not be able to save our future generation. Some small steps can reduce the global warming threat and can save our beautiful earth. It is a good side that we people gradually understand the threat and the importance of taking initiatives and stopping the threat global warming. We are realizing that we will face serious shortage in a near future, if we continue using the earth’s valuable resources.

We already overused forest and trees and wasted this natural resource for nothing. We all know that trees produce oxygen and without oxygen we can’t live. So we can stop deforestation cutting down trees and forest. We can reduce the use of papers to stop cutting trees as we know papers are made from recycling trees. If we can reduce use of papers we can take a role to save a small forest.

Stop misuse of Water:
The most important thing we have to save is water because we already used most of the drinkable water. In the past we have been wasting this resource very badly. Now people around the world are dying because of lack of drinkable water. If we become more aware we can stop polluting water. We can only wash the dishes or do the laundry when there is a full load to be done. We should not let the tap water run while we are brushing or bathing.

Beware of using electricity:
Another valuable resource we are continuously wasting is electricity. Western countries are wasting electricity for nothing, but developing countries are facing the massive power crisis. Only a small step can stop this misuse. We can impose a limit of using electricity to prevent misuse of electricity. We can close all lights that are not being used; we should not put our air conditioners and heating systems on if windows are opened.

Stop Air Pollution:

As well as we are not aware about taking fresh air because we are polluting air dawn to dusk. We are over using car which emitting diesel and oil to environment and polluting air with toxic air. It affected the ozone layers and accelerating global warming. So we can take some small step to stop air pollution by using the car for any small trip to the corner store. In taking such action as walking to get to near places, a person will also gain physical benefits and enjoy a better health condition.

So, without any doubt, if we swear to take such kind of small initiative every day, it will not much difficult to stop global warming and the increasing rate of climate change.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Global warming: Continuous Deforestation and The environment

Today one of the biggest problems of the world is the threat of losing all forest because of massive deforestation. It can be marked as the large scale removal of forest land. Deforestation is occurring because forests are converting to non-forest areas, urbanization, agriculture, accommodation and many others. And this destruction is going to be permanent and this lose can’t be resolve.

Gradually the forests are being the most endangered element in the earth. Every day we are losing about 80,000 acres forest areas. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations show that the rates of deforestation has not abated and has actually increased by 8.5% from 2000-2005 compared during the 1990s. As well they estimated that about 10.4 million hectares of tropical forest have been permanently destroyed from 2000-2005 compared to 10.14 million hectares in the period of 1990-2000.
Very soon this destruction of forest land will turn to the extinction of many species and denuded upland, greenhouse effect, heavy soil erosion, silting of rivers and dams, landslides, flooding, and even destruction of corals along the coast. The destruction of forest may turn to the great loss of biodiversity and extinction of thousands of species.

Deforestation increases the amount of green house gas like carbon-dioxide gas in the air. And this green house gas will allure global warming to come out as monster to destroy the human race.

Trees suck up rain water so quickly during heavy rains. But if there are no trees or forest land, what gotta be happened?

Many others disaster like heavy soil erosion, silting of Rivers and Dams, Degraded Watershed, Denuded Upland and so on will take place due to deforestation.

We are human being always dependents on trees. Trees are our habitats, environment, source of food and the great and most reliable protection from enemies. As well as the forest providing us with many products and important services. Forests give us fresh air; protect us from typhoons, and many other calamities. But we are still killing our friend; we are not being able to control deforestation.

So we need to feel the importance of reforestation and the bad consequences of deforestation.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Global warming: Importance of Eco Friendly Power Houses to Prevent Global Warming.

Our beautiful world is now approaching to a disaster named global warming. Global warming threatening our extinction by increasing the rate of temperature. It is happening because; the green house gases like carbon-dioxide are increasing in the environment. Who is responsible for increasing carbon-dioxide?  This is natural and man made.

We all know that we can not stand against natural threat from environment. So we have to concentrate to solve the man made reason behind increasing carbon-dioxide. First we need to know how we are jeopardizing our future. We are cutting down trees and its increasing the rate of carbon-dioxide as we know trees provide Oxygen and take Carbon-dioxide, we are burning fuel which continuously creating carbon-oxide, we are using coal and oil based power houses which are increasing the rate of carbon-dioxide emission, and many others way we are continuously omitting carbon-dioxide known as greenhouse gas.

Among all this man made reason behind global warming the most serious one is coal and oil based power houses. Such kinds of power houses create a large amount of carbon-dioxide gas. And they maximum are released in air. It is causing a serious pollution of environment. So why we should keep continue using such kind of elements that jeopardize our extinction?

We have to think about eco and environment friendly power houses. We can use the energy of sun known as solar energy. Solar energy is unlimited and it is recyclable. As well it is eco friendly. It doesn’t create green house gas like carbon-dioxide or CFC. So solar energy could be one of the eco friendly power sources for a sustainable and green beautiful earth.

Another solution should be the wind. We can use wind to produce electricity and it is hundred percent eco friendly. Coastal Countries can produce wind base electricity.

Hydroelectric power plant is also a solution to the problem of global warming.

So we need to take decision and have to make a policy to prevent global warming to protect our future

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Global Warming: Green economy to stop climate change and global warming.

Climate change is happening very frequently. Environment not being able to carry this frequent change. So we are facing a lot of natural forces like, global warming, cyclone, dot, acid rain, excessive rain, and so on. Among them global warming is the main threat to our existence. Why climate are changing?

             Climate is controlled by some elements like altitude, Hills and Mountains, Rain fall, Forests and others. It’s clear that all those elements are changing as we are destroying hills and mountains, forest. So the climate is changing too. But this change gradually brining a great disaster for our future by accelerating global warming.

              What can stop this monster like global warming and climate change? Climate change and global warming are natural forces so it’s difficult to stop them. But if we want, we can reduce that upcoming threat by taking some necessary steps. We need to take a clear work plan to reduce the emission of carbon-dioxide the main culprit for climate change and the upcoming disaster.

                We can set up environment and eco friendly power plants like wind and solar power industries. That makes two solutions for our betterment. First one is it will create a lot of job opportunities and it will reduce the carbon emissions too. According to The UN Environment Program “nearly two million people are employed in the new wind and solar power industries, half of them in China alone. Brazil's biofuels program has been creating nearly a million jobs annually. In Germany, investments in environmental technology are expected to quadruple over the coming years, reaching 16 percent of manufacturing output by 2030 and employing more workers than the automobile industry.”

               So this green economy idea can stop the adverse situation of our future. Here financing will be key. But if the both developed and developing nations don’t do there part to finance all the investment to the lack of the financial resources and technologies to go green, we can not effectively fight against monster like climate change and global warming.

                For this, leaders need to make a right policies and incentives to fight against climate change and global warming. And to ensure green economy for our betterment, we need to do that ASAP.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Global warming: contemplating the global warming statistics.

Last 40-50 year the global warming has increased in an alarming rate. We are continuously thinking about how to stop global warming. There are some data which clearly indicate the warming is occurring.

Rise of sea level:

Sea level is rising very fast. From 1875-1995, the average of sea level rise is 1.77 mm. but the main thing is the rate of sea level rise has frequently increased from 1993. Now it’s doubled. The earth is being warmer and all the puller ice caps are melting from glaciers. So, if this continues very soon low lying land like Maldives, Bangladesh will be going under water. 

Temperature of global surface: 

The global surface temperatures are gradually increasing. Since 1950 till now global surface temperature has increased .6degrees Celsius. 

Omission of carbon-dioxide: 

We are polluting our planet by omitting carbon-dioxide. The level of carbon-oxide in environment getting higher day by day. We are destroying forests and using objects that omission carbon-dioxide. So, mainly carbon-dioxide is responsible for increasing global warming. 

We all know that carbon-dioxide produces from nature and man made. So if the rate of carbon-dioxide increases it get back to the nature and make warmer the earth. By this all the ice caps froze in the arctic region will melt and it’s a strong threat for our existence. 

Friday, November 04, 2011

Climate change: The number one risk carrying country Bangladesh.

Bangladesh may suffer from most climate change effect. It is known to every climatologist. Bangladesh can be easily harmed by climate change because this highly danger country located in the Bay of Bengal and in the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna. Bangladesh is highly populated too.

Bangladesh economy depends on agriculture and in the natural resources which are highly risked by climate change and sea level rise.

Climate change effect in Bangladesh

At first the research found out all the main problems related to the climate change which are reduced fresh water availability, sea level rise, surface drainage congestion, coastal storms, and increased floods and how they affect the country.

Bangladesh is a developing country and its development is now threatening by climate change. So the government should have to make some strategic plan to increase the knowledge base focus on climate change.

Read more article on global warming and climate change .